Life Design Studio In-Person Trainings Information
DATES No In Person Studios in 2025 - Stay tuned for Studios in 2026 or 2027!
WHERE Stanford University
WHO The Studio is for university educators (higher education faculty, administrators, or staff) from any 4-year or 2-year post secondary institution (university, college, junior college, community college, technical school.) This includes tenure-track, non-tenure track and adjunct/clinical faculty, and those who serve students and/or faculty at their schools — program directors and managers, deans and associate deans, provosts, career educators and coaches etc., so long as your appointment is at least 80% time at the institution. Teams of 2 or 3 are preferred. If you would like to send more than 3 individuals to Studio from your institution, please reach out to for more information.
COST $10,000 per University team of 3. $3,500 for solo practitioners.
ADMISSIONS Applications are currently open at the link here. The application will take you at least an hour to complete, and you will need information from all team members. We look at all applications equally, so long as they are in by the deadline (March 1st).
Day 1 | 4 PM - 8:00 PM (Welcome Reception & Dinner)
Day 2 | 8:30 AM - 5 PM (Experiencing Life Design as a Learner)
Day 3 | 8:30 AM - 5 PM (Life Design Pedagogy)
Day 4 | 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM (Curriculum Prototyping)
Immersive training in the life design material -- both in how to apply it to yourself and your own professional development and in how to launch projects, programs, classes and more at your university
Personalized coaching: we will have an experienced facilitator for all school groups
Materials: you will have access to our courseflow builder and, thus, all lesson plans, all our slides, recommended class and workshop sequences, and handouts and activities we use.
nb: All of our materials are licensed under Creative Commons. This means you can share them with your university for educational purposes only, not for profit.
Post-workshop support: we hold office hour sessions to workshop the experiments you are trying back at home, in addition to sending a monthly newsletter full of information to help you build your life design practice
A Higher Ed Life Design Community: access to the 1300+ university educators also working in life design
Food: We will provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks every day and one welcome dinner.
Admission does not include lodging. You can fly in and out when you choose so long as you are with us at 4 PM on the first day and until 1:30pm on the 4th and final day. If you must leave early due to flights, please let us know in advance. We unfortunately do not have access to on-campus or Stanford-specific lodging, but here are some local options if you like to plan ahead —
Have a question? Reach out to Brittany, our logistics wizard, at